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13 November 2006

11 Interesting Facts

  1. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
  2. The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.
  3. Our eyes remain the same size from birth onward, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
  4. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV.
  5. A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks.
  6. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
  7. The Mona Lisa had no eyebrows.
  8. When the moon is directly overhead, you weigh slightly less.
  9. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never telephoned his wife or mother because they were both deaf.
  10. "I Am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
  11. Colgate faced big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries because Colgate translates into the command "go hang yourself."

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37 comments: on "11 Interesting Facts"

LOUI$$ said...

Hi nas!You have a interesting blog,wanna exchange links with me?Wait for your reply!

Anonymous said...

I knew about the chewing gum while peeling onions

Anonymous said...

here is another fact for you if you want an even dozen.
Chevy had a hard time trying to sell the Nova is Spanish speaking countries, they couldn't figure it out until someone pointed out that Nova translated in Spanish as no go.

Anonymous said...

Hehe reminds me about when Honda relased a car called "Fitta"(now its called jazz)In norweigan, Fitte means vagina.. Good name!
Another good name is Kavli(a norwegian cheese producer).. In Greece Kavli means"erected penis"..

Anonymous said...

the shortest complete sentence in the english language is "Go" not, "I am."

Anonymous said...

Go isn't classed as a complete sentence. It's a word. Just like yes and no.

Anonymous said...

i justed wanted to tell you that porcky pines float in water but mules cant sink in quick sand.
lol........i know you lov my fact. nana nana boo boo....

Anonymous said...

Go is indeed the shortest sentence, it has a verb and a subject. "Go" being the verb and "you" (understood) being the subject.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did you know 65% of facts are lies?

Anonymous said...

Go is a sentence, the subject is you and is implied, and the predicate is "go".

Anonymous said...

just to let you know, your eyes DO grow about 0.5mm over your lifetime ;)

Anonymous said...

hmmm u sure that chewwing gum thing works cause i chew gum likes its a religion and ive peeled onions while peeling and my tear duckets just go mad

Anonymous said...

Actually the shortest complete sentence is "Go!"

Anonymous said...

The highest annual per capita consumption of Spaghetti-O's in the United States is in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Now I know why I moved to Grand Rapids lol

Anonymous said...

more people are killed by donkeys that in air plane crashes every year.

......Just so you know

Anonymous said...

yea, there's lots of sentences in English that are shorter than "I am." "Go" is one.. "Die" "Yes" "No" just to name a few.. as explained above by others the subject is not needed.. it's understood..

this is a stupid blog

Fang said...

'Go' is not a complete sentence in the English language, as it does not have a simple subject. That goes for 'Yes' and 'No' as well. 'I am' is, infact the shortest sentence in the English language.

Anonymous said...

The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had and When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months... that would be weird lol♥

Anonymous said...

actually, when you die, your hair doesn't still grow, it's just a result of your skin shrinking and shrivelling up, due to lack of water.

Im a mineful of facts ;)

Anonymous said...

The word Colgate is not "hang yourself" in spanish. The correct conjugation would be cuelgate from the verb colgar.

Anonymous said...

oh wow!this is, like, so damn AWESOME! cool..i mean i have never heard any of this stuff anywhere...most of the interesting facts we read are quite old and we 've heard them again and again..but this is just too amazing..i cant especially get over the one about chopping onions while chewing fact, im going to go try it now.. :)

Anonymous said...

i happen to know spanish, but never noticed the colgate thing.

Anonymous said...

pigs don't get orgasms.
only humans and dolphins do.

Anonymous said...

Go. is the smallest full sentence in the English Dictionary

Anonymous said...

Everything that can produce sperm/semen has an orgasm. Humans and Dolphins are the only creatures that have sex for the pleasure of having an orgasm

Anonymous said...

Only humans and dolphins have sex for pleasure. As far as orgasms go, the pig has it made

Anonymous said...

no no no, pigs do have orgasms, its only dolphins and humans that have sex for pleasure.... Lions mate up to 50 times a day....

Anonymous said...

then where do all the baby piglets come from?!

Anonymous said...

Any of you who posted comments got them from other fact sites lol. An colgate in Spanish is still colgate. :p

d1stant said...

what about "i do"

Zakk Short said...

It says the shortest sentence is "I am."

But off the top of my head, I realize that "Go!" is shorter. Nice try though...

Anonymous said...

cool facts lol ive got 1 but im not sure if its true its there are 3 golf balls on the moon ?? weird aye?

Anonymous said...

Bonobos have sex for pleasure

Anonymous said...

Did you know Woman blink more than Men ?

Kalie Mae said...

I am is in fact the shortest PROPER sentence in the English language. Considering the fact a proper sentence needs a subject and a predicate. 'I' [subject] is stating who or what the sentence is about, and 'am' [predicate] tells about I. Saying the word or demand 'Go' is a sentence is just like saying 'run' or 'talk' is a sentence. Go is saying what to do. So I, think that you are very wrong. I think 'Grow Up' would also not be considered a full complete and proper English sentence, only because it is not stating who or what needs to or is going to grow up.

Unknown said...

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. See the link below for more info.
