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27 January 2008

E-Paper Slap Bracelets

E-Paper Slap Bracelets
Everybody had them or at least seen 'em. Slap bracelets were usually made of thin piece of aluminum wrapped in fabric. Using the same form, Chocolate Agency came up with a mini multimedia device that snaps on with a slap. The entire surface is E-Paper and possesses all its thin, high contrast, power efficient qualities. The length can be adjusted by adding magnetic snaps to the ends. Best part is there's no recharging needed. It gets all the power it needs via kinetic energy so go ahead, go slap happy.
E-Paper Slap Bracelets

Designer: Chocolate Agency

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7 comments: on "E-Paper Slap Bracelets"

jasmine said...

just wanna say wonderful post i love it


Anonymous said...

Haha. Cool watches. Love the slim look.

Anonymous said...

oh cool i want one XD

Anonymous said...

they're gonna be worth a pretty penny... but ill still totally get one!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well well well......

Lakhbir Brar said...

cool innovation......where one can buy this?

someone special said...

frm where can i get dis watch???