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11 December 2010

Real Stupid People And Funny Stories

Funny Stories

So the bank robber admits he did the crime, but he doesnt need the time to work out what he did was wrong. He already knows that. So, what, a slap on your wrist and be on your way? Doesnt work that way einstein, but nice try.

Funny Stories

The Liberty Riders like drinking beer, fighting and peforming charity work for children? So they are bad...but good at the same time? Nice little footnote - is their dispute with the Highwayman deadly?

Funny Stories

I think this is one of my favorites. Toyota - Toy Yoda, yes i see where the confusion comes from. Just love the look on the face of the hooters waitress.

Funny Stories

How Long is Your Loan? Thats 515 million dollars to be paid back at $300 per month. Thats $3600 per year. I caclulate that to be a loan term (excluding interest) of a little over 143,000 years. Thats a long life of debt.

Funny Stories

Chris Mulloy and Robert Cusack - Dumb and Dumber. I was struggling to believe that this was actually real. So i googled it. Yes, it is true. Mulloy and Cusack, modern day idiots. I just would have loved to have been there. A bird flying out of your suitcase? Two pygmy monkeys in your pants? Holy God. That smuggling business cant be much fun at times. Lucrative, yes. Painful, you bet!

Funny Stories

Yes, its true. "The owner will not receive any compensation because he had no insurance"

Hard to have a lot of sympathy here is there?

Funny Stories

Betty Ford Fail. Sure, Betty Ford is probably a pretty common name. But its not a good look when a person of the same name as the clinic is caught for public drunkeness. Its hard living up to the reputation.

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