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29 August 2010

10 Hilarious Tombstones

A good epitaph is considered to be one that is memorable, or at least makes one think... but the next 10 epitaphs are going to make you wanna die... laughing! They decided to have one last laugh. Never knew cemeteries could be so funny!

10 Hilarious Tombstones

This stone is located in the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery, Montreal. Who penned this unusual epitaph and why is not known. But the Montreal Mirror found the man who engraved the headstone, but were only able to determine that the guy's (who's burried) ex-wife and mistress came in together and ordered the stone. They said that it was a thing between the three of them. So think twice before you cheat your wife!

10 Hilarious Tombstones

So simple and yet so telling...

10 Hilarious Tombstones

Yes, it's an actual tombstone for a CCNA who died from a virus attack

10 Hilarious Tombstones

Niagara Falls - Canada

10 Hilarious Tombstones

"Here lies the most picked-on man in history"

10 Hilarious Tombstones

Arrest this man!

10 Hilarious Tombstones

Rest in peace sir, comfortable in the knowledge college students will forever get high upon your final resting place.

10 Hilarious Tombstones

"The Death of Funk"

10 Hilarious Tombstones

"Here lies my Wife / in Earthy Mold / Who when she Died / and naught but Scold / Good Friends go softly / in your walking / Lest she should Wake / and Rise up Talking"

10 Hilarious Tombstones

Did you just gave me the finger?


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