Maybe the three mice knew their fate. Henry says they got out of the box and caused him to crash the car.
Henry, 52, of Akron, was driving on Clinton Avenue when he says the mice he had bought at a pet store found their way out of the box they were in.
"All of a sudden I'm just riding, I'm two doors away from their house and they was all over me like this so I grabbed one I threw 'em down I hit the curb first and the bag jumped out and I couldn't control the car after that," Henry said.
Henry hit the curb then crashed into a tree.
Shanna Ferrell saw the crash and ran to help.
"I come running over to him and the mice you could see the mice he was doing this shooing it away and at first I thought, what? There was mice in the car and then we looked back and the mice was running everywhere," Ferrell said.
Kenneth injured his ankle.
He says the mice are to blame, but Akron Police saw it differently. They cited Henry for failure to control and driving without a license, though Henry claims he has a license in Oklahoma.
Henry pleaded guilty and paid a fine.
He says he won't be transporting mice anytime soon, unless they're in a container they can't escape from.
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