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12 August 2006

0 to 9 - Numbers in Postures

It's unbelievable but true!!

Human Made Zero
Human Made One
Human Made Two
Human Made Three
Human Made Four
Human Made Five
Human Made Six
Human Made Seven
Human Made Eight
Human Made Nine

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276 comments: on "0 to 9 - Numbers in Postures"

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Anonymous said...

5 looked hard to do

Anonymous said...

5 is def. photoshopped

Anonymous said...

I'm not even sure I could handle number 1 :)

Anonymous said...

some of the photos look edited and some of the actors maybe were assisted by a string or rope for the balnce

Anonymous said...

not hard when you can green screen out the supports

Anonymous said...

Oh, or maybe they're gymnasts, who can do this sort of thing. talk about cynics.

Anonymous said...

Or they are doing this on the ground with the camera from the ceiling.

Anonymous said...

where’s 1?

Kaileena Suza said...

Badjuk you can't see one that's hilarious every humans are one n one...lolz

Anonymous said...

Take into mind it might not be shopped, they could be lying on their sides on a white floor instead of it standing up.

Anonymous said...

one, it's not photoshopped, ANYONE can do this.

you lie on a blank floor... and just lie on your side and pose exactly the same way they did...

they're pictures taken from the ceiling or top.... DUH

Anonymous said...

if they are on the floor why do they hold eachother for 4 and 2?

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants the alphabet, try Pilobolus.

Anonymous said...

So if they are not photoshopped, and they are just lying on the floor, why is there a shadow under their feet that was clearly edited to get the white background? I've seen gymnastics, and all these are possible even standing up, but the "room" they are in is obviously chopped.

Anonymous said...

please, ya bunch of cynics. do you think you sound smart because you accuse these people of using visual tricks? you don't.

Anonymous said...

Alright, first off, maybe except this for what it is, gymnastics, people do this sort of thing all the time, are you telling me you've never seen in the circus where one man has his arm virtically in the air, with another mand who is holding his vertical arm in the air, with one hand as well, then they'll do something "crazy" like the base guy picks up one leg and makes a 90° agle as does the upside down guy. Also theres no way they could be on a blank floor becuase look, the shadows are under them. And who ever said number 5 is leaning against a wall, well if they were, there the lady's head and the other lady's legs would be even, and they're not, check it with a ruler or a piece of paper if you dont believe me. I'm not saying these couldn't have been photoshopped or anything, but I personally don't think they were. I've seen people do harder things than this...

Anonymous said...

I believe the laying on a floor... but they ARE photoshopped if thats the case... anyone notice the shadows? jeez, guess it takes someone who actually uses photoshop for work to point this out to you retards.

Anonymous said...

to the last poster r u stupid look at number 8 if ur theoryis true how did they create that depth stupid

Anonymous said...

these ppl are dancers, nd as a dancer, ive seen some pretty weird shyt, but this is all real

Anonymous said...

omg ffs


Sorry to state the obvious, but some of you retards still apparently think this is real so it had to be done.

Anonymous said...

hasnt anyone noticed that in a few, the legs are merged together? I know for a fact that 7 is impossible, because it defies the laws of physics. and im not being cynical, im celbrating these peoples talents, because they most certanly fooled a few of you

Anonymous said...

Why are people so rude and conspiritorial, get out people go to a circus with more life experience you will be able to offer constructive comments and not just negitive or rude ones.

Anonymous said...

Look at teh folds in the clothes

Anonymous said...

oh wowwww.... everyone thinks they're soooo coool cuz they use the word
"'shopped". just fucking get over it and enjoy it as it was meant. it's just entertainment. get over urselves and whatever knowledge u may have in the graphics field.

Anonymous said...

WTF? Is this a debate??

I think the pics look cool. I don't care how they're done, or if they're photoshopped, or if they're lying on the floor, or standing up, or whatever!
Jeez, why's everyone gotta analyze everything???

Anonymous said...

Number one has a stiffy

Anonymous said...

;) these might be shopped, but they are certainly perfectly possible. i saw this with comments and showed my girlfriend. we blagged our friend aaron into helping and have imitated all but 0 (as u need 4 ppl), it was pretty much the same still. was a fun challenge :) hope this hasn't spoilt your fun too much 'shoppers' lol

Anonymous said...

The number 5 does not have to be photoshopped to get this. Most people look at it and forget depth of field. The person in the top part of the 5 is standing on the floor about 5-10 feet back and the camera is placed at an angle to connect the two bodies...have you never seen a photograph of someone holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa or the St. Louis Arch?

Anonymous said...

That shows how #7 could be done.

Anyway, they probably did this because it's a feat of strength and such. Because they're really good at balancing, because they're dancers/gymnasts/whatever. There would be no point to do this and just photoshop it. They're all real.

Anonymous said...

I think that these people could have made life alot easier if they had done Roman numerals. Plus, it could have saved half of the people who have posted here a busted neck vein. Yeah gotta love the Romans...easy numbers to pose to. Come to think of it, that may be how the Roman orgy first started.

Anonymous said...

3 words, Center Of Balance

Paranoid Whimper said...

I found this post and the comments recieved most amusing. And, sadly, for some, the number 1 would be hard to attempt. I also didn't realize how cynical we have become. When did we lose touch with appreciating art for art's sake. Though I did appreciate the technical dissection of the post. = )

Anonymous said...

No I'm not bored,please learn how to spell if you are going to be cynical.! I just think this is clever and enjoy it for what it is ,entertaining and accurate time telling.Get a life you ba humbug!

Anonymous said...

xlcnt stuff and thank u for your kindness in showing them

Anonymous said...

i dont care how they are done but they are really cool

Anonymous said...

Very enjoyable and original in its use.
Now,... what about letters as well?

Anonymous said...

Rei said...

ok maybe the background was photoshoped out in order to make it run together better, but this IS possible.
What happened to "if you don't having anything nice to say don't say anything at all"

I wanna see letters too ^__^

Anonymous said...

hey guys, im in the circus and these are all possible but...some of them are fake, like 4 for instance, if that guys was basing for real he would have a better grip and his arms would be more towards her arse but they still look cool.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if it was photoshopped? It's still cool. Some one has made a clock of it. Have a look here:

I want it as my screen saver! There must be someone clever that can make it happen!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that people would argue over something like this. Don't y'all have better things to argue about, like maybe politics? Gimme a break! Morons!

YRUU said...

these are all possible

Anonymous said...

all possible

Anonymous said...

Oh my - what entertainment - you guys are hysterical - who really cares how its done - you definitely got me laffing tho - i mean please analyze pictures - you must be really bored - well, have fun!! ps the clocks adorable - howeva it was dun!!!!!

Anonymous said...

These people are in a commercial,and it shows them moving around and posing like this

Anonymous said...

Except few letters, all images are created with different standing position and added by some editor so this is not big deal but the idea is very good... and also i appreciate the clock too.. nice1 btw...

Anonymous said...

i have made a screensaver froom the flash. it is just a simple program's output, better tries are appreciated :)

and i must say that they look cool :)
thanks to everybody!


Anonymous said...

I didnt think it was photoshopped either until I looked closer at 4 and 9 and if you look close you will see that there is no way the guy can support the girl with his hands that way. Im a cheerleading coach so part of my job is people lifting people and im telling you if they were lifting that entire weight by themselves thier hands would not be open and relaxed.

Also 5 could be achieved with a little depth depending on how big their studio was but, its probably PSed too.

mukushi said...

Nicely done i think. Confirm got some sort of support. Notice number 2 and 7, The guy is leaning against something slanted. And 5 is quite clear that the upper girl is farther to the back than the bold guy, standing on something. 4, the girl is sitting on something, or else the body can't be that straight, it's illogic/gravityless. I guess that's why they used black cloths, it's a lot easier to manipulate and make a better shape of ... ex. the butt to look as if not sitting on something. Nice ly done anyway. applause.

Anonymous said...

It seems like everyone is caught up in the argument that some of these images have to be manipulated with Photoshop, that the ppl in the images are capable of doing the lifts 'as is', or that they are lying down and the camera is shooting from above. It seems to me that all of these techniques could have been used. Number 1 seems obvious. Just stand there. Number 5 however, requires some manipulation. Maybe the top of 5 is standing on something behind the bottom person. When the picutre is taken from the side and all traces of the object the person is standing on is removed (shopped), the result is what we see. There is more than one way to accomplish these images.

Unknown said...

if you visit this site, someone put these images in clock format. its really cool.

Anonymous said...

that looks sooooooo hard. i go 2 gymnastics but we don,t do stuff like that!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

These comments have been invaluable to me as is this whole site. I thank you for your comment.

CosimaCat said...

As anyone who has ever been in an Escolta could testify 1 is quite easy if you do it every monday just go across the border to Mexico some monday and watch the sixth graders march so then you'll stop saying it's impossible and also I wish people would stop cursing like this it is very offensive and don't you realize that anyone could be reading including kids? honestly think about it. Because I disprove of most of these comments. Must everyone use the "F" word? Is it mandatory to get published, hmm?

Rosebud1 said...

"Great Job to you all" I wish I could do that.... I would be happy if I could do one..

Unknown said...

I really don't care how it's done, It's fun, creative and simple in design. great expressions on some of the faces

Anonymous said...

I think it looks really cool, a good idea to make numbers out of ppl.

C-G said...

hey! who sais #5 was actually standed up? i can do that layed-down on the ground!!!!

Anonymous said...

very nice.
can i also see the alphabet please?


Anonymous said...

2,3,5 are wrong!
look at the girl's hair in six, why is it dropping to the left..??!

GMZ said...

Oh... Can't you see that these are acrobats, contortionists, and you can see a shadow underneath them, so they are not photographed from the ceiling. the only photoshop that can be saw is the replacement of the original environment with the blank one. no hidden catch no strings attached...

Anonymous said...

Hello? it was done lying down.(`.`)

Anonymous said...

The answer to 7

I'm sure the man doesn't have enough strength in his calves for the wine bottle sollution.

I'm sure this is how it was done:

Anonymous said...

if your going to whine about it, do it yourself! I thought it was prettey awesome. I ask those who whine about it this one question: Could you do that? If you answer yes, then well done and go do it yourself. If no, then stop having a go at other people.

Anonymous said...

Hey, leave these ppl alone. There are amazing gymnasts and stuff out there and i dont doubt they can do this. This isnt photoshopped, so give these people some credit!!

Anonymous said...

hee hee ur all freaking retards... This is some pretty awesome stuff and your just freakin arguing about it... i have to admit, some of these looked pretty hard, and addmittly could have been shopped or somthin, but who really gives a shit? im just going to take a look and get on with my life, not devote it to becoming obsessed with this picture!

rowland said...

I did the whole alphabet! Called Love Letters.

In 1975. In London. Before photoshop.
The dancers are nude, so be warned.

You can see it here. Follow the link to me,

Rowland Scherman

Just go to Typographica

rowland said...

For the whole alphabet, please go to Typographica.
1975. Before there was photoshop.
All the letters are nude so be warned.

Anonymous said...

is it just me, or is everyone here envious because they can't do this kind of thing? i mean, these people could be talented, and you're just sitting there wasting your life looking for evidence that this was all phony. you all need to get laid!

Anonymous said...

Look at the asian woman in zero and compare her size to the other woman; now look at het in the number 5. see the diferance in size? I think that the poses are real but in SOME like in 5 they used things to stand on or just stand behinde or in front of eachother like in 2,6, and 8; The white however is shoped in.

Anonymous said...

They are not photoshoped, and they are NOT laying on the floor. look at the shadows. its hard to beieilve but in every picture there is a shadow, and you can tell the they are all upright. at least people with a BRAIN can tell.

Anonymous said...

is there anyway i can download the clock as a screensaver

Anonymous said...

I was gonna ask the same question.
If you please find a way so we can save this a screensaver, it would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Screensaver over here link:

Anonymous said...

um, no offense but in 2, their legs actually just sort of... merge. hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Uhmm... shadows can be photoshopped too, you know

Anonymous said...

Yeah, #2 Looks Kinda Fishy.

Anonymous said...

Very Nice

Anonymous said...

good finding... creativity .... are you created this your own?

Anonymous said...

who cares if they are photoshopped
gymnastics, photoshop...IT DOESNT MATTER!
the only thing that matter is that they are here.

Anonymous said...

Good entertaining images, made me smile :)

Anonymous said...

The shots are very creative! (photoshopped or not) Who cares? Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I've been to photo studios where it is common to have a white cloth that is so long, that it is used as both "floor" and "backdrop" - they might have 12-18 feet hanging above the ground on a bar of some sort, and then the fabric is gently rounded at the floor and stretched on out onto the ground another 6-12 feet. Then they flood it with lights from above, both sides, and in front, and the "edge" where "wall" and "ground" fabric meet just blurs when it is photographed. Then of course they can crop the photo in the various software to cut out where the camera accidentally caught the ladder on the side of the "wall" or whatever.

That's what they did at Portrait Innovation for my son's photos and I could see the raw edges on the initial shots, before they went back to photoedit before printing.

As for the skills of the individuals - I noticed like the #7 the woman there looks like a very tiny and low-weight gal, holding herself out from the fella balancing her on his neck/back/shoulders while he tips forward. That has to be hard to do but if they are all trained athletic gymnastic type individuals, it could be done. But not with me at well over 100 pound normal weight...I would give the poor guy a hernia just LOOKING at me, let alone actually carrying me on that way, and of course, I'd just flop to the floor like a dead fish - no more able to extend my torso out in a straight in mid-air then I could fly to Mars!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

for the letters (you literate types) see:

watch out! they're all naked

Anonymous said...

Can someone use it for display numbers in a webpage?

Unknown said...

I love it, it is riginal and the flashclock too.

If you want more flashclocks there is also a website i usually visit:

Thanks for this creationg, it was well done.

Anonymous said...

you know. they all have to be standing on their feet. look at the way their clothes fall the way gravity pulls them. they're all standing. it's real.

Anonymous said...

Very good creativity indeed...

Phlan said...

Bloody awsome nimble or what? Love too know how to set it as a screen saver!! If it can be turned into a screen saver I'd love to know how? Can anyone out there in PC world tell us how, if possible it would be appciated THANKS Phlan

jae said...

I thank you!!!, the models, the re-touchers and the white floor. This work has given me a solid foundation for a campaign that 'we', my team and myself are working on.

I should be able to give some feedback from my client by next week Friday.

Pleaser hold thumbs. and thank you.

rowland said...

They are not photoshopped. Trust me. It is doable if you have the dancers and they rehearse for a while.


sent by the artist

daniel said...

They are not photoshopped!
For those who say that the shadows are fake: take a look at 0, 2, 3, 5. The shadows in those are clearly generated by multiple light sources. The reason some of the shadows look fake is because the background was cleared to make it look better (which is something usual in white background photography... it's not a perfect white when you shoot it, you need to post-process it to make it uniform).
For those that say they are lying on the floor: take a look at 0 or 8. they are sitting in front of each other; they coulnd't have done that if the photos were shot from the ceiling. You can also see that in 3 that they put the smallest one on top because she is lighter, so they are really standing on the floor (otherwise she would have been in the middle to get a better 3 shape)
For those that say that the feet are merged: it's just an illusion (intentional) from the black clothes. Put 2 or 3 into an image processor and increase the gamma... you will see that they are actually sitting in front of each other.
The only one where I can see the need for support is 8 (the guy in the back).
Also, you can see their faces on the more difficult positions... they are clearly straining, and not just sitting on the floor or being helped by props.

Anonymous said...

if this could be true they should post some videos of this postures so that every comment get the answer

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol, You lot need to get a life and stop argueing over people posing numbers...
and before you say i was looking at this because of a school project so i am not sad like you lot.

Anonymous said...

cok sevimli cok eglenceli gözüküyor o kaybettigimiz dakikalar icin durup düsünmemi sagladı tesekkürler,thanks

Anonymous said...

the one is photoshoped

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is great stuff - real of fake! I love how it is done.
Good luck

Anonymous said...

everyone seems to have a lot to say about the photoshopping or the technique of photography, atleast in the first part of the comments. that's amazing, none of you technical geniuses looked at the idea and appreciated it. whatever, to each his own... i think this is really neat. check what this guy did with the same stuff. this is cool too...

Théo said...

1st off, they are NOT laying sideways on a white floor being shot from above. you can see shadows below them etc.

i work with a performance team who could do all of these no problems .

the only one that concerns me is No.5 once the lower girl maintained that posture , someone standing on her ankles would be very painful on her spine, also the top girls feet are mysteriously blurred out?? .

Anonymous said...

Really good work. But I hate the fact that people are just arguing over how it was done. Does it matter really? Stop arguing, and start enjoying life.

Anonymous said...

very creative and artsitic as well!

Anonymous said...

where’s SÄ°X?

Anonymous said...

where’s six?

Anonymous said...

I saw these same positions in the Kama Sutra.

jenny1776 said...

they r probably not lying on the floor if you look close you can see the shadows at the bottom of the number which places the light above them with a surface beneath them

Anonymous said...

Haev you nothing better to do!!

Anonymous said...

These figures created by human acrobats appeared in the STRAND MAGAZINE, more than one hundred years ago.
I am certain that was long before photoshop was developed, even before computers as we know them were invented.

Anonymous said...

why has no one mentioned the mystery brewing in number 1's pants?

Anonymous said...

or even maybe the hard ones were done on the ground with a sky cam view

just maybe


Anonymous said...

The girls foot in 3 (the one on the bottom, her foot is up above the guy's butt) is partially transparent.

Now either she's got superpowers, or that was a mistake by the graphic artist.

But it's still cool.

kurt said...

I like this use of the images:

Anonymous said...

Stop Talking about whether it is photoshoped or not. IT is a Masterpiece Idea appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

These aren't taken from the ceiling because the shadows are as if they are standing up. Just my observation at least.

Anonymous said...

Wow who gives a chit if its shopped or not? Did these lil number people ever say they werent shopped? SO what exactly are you guys arguing about....other than whos the right dork out of all of you.I know I want to be the one known for being the right one fighting on a comment bored about something like all make me feel better about life and let me know that I could be like you all....thanks for the boost :)

Paul Lujan said...

Look at:

Unknown said...

can we make this clock as desktop wall paper if yes can you tell me how can i

Sunil said...

Hi, very creative nd new idea.....
Sunil Kudikal

Anonymous said...

All I have to say:
I know people who can do this kind of stuff, really, you should find one of those groups, it's amazing to watch them put on acts! (Specially because it takes them nearly no time to go from one to the next)
Even the num. 5 is doable, even if this were shopped (though you can see in the folding of the pants and the clamping of the feet it isn't as obvious as some say)

Anonymous said...

Someone already commented, but that is possible. Try Pilobolus, or watch this video.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if they were photoshopped or how they were done! I think they look pretty damn cool!

Unknown said...

It's not a case of shopped, but of precise placement of the models in relation to the angle of the camera to give the appearance of the models being connected where, in some cases, they clearly are not. Notice the difference in size of some of the models in the same shot...

Anonymous said...

very awesome i see the clock widget
This is pretty cool and oginal is must say.

EarthKeeper/GameMaster said...

Awesome.. I love it.. may we all learn to be so flexiable in our lives.

Anonymous said...

Good creation.........

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say, I enjoyed looking at the numbers and I do not even care how it was done. I can see how some people want to ruin the experience for others and I will not do that here. I applaud the creators!

Anonymous said...

did anyone state that number 5 just might be depth of field illusion? no photoshop. no amazing balancing act. the top of the five is just set off in the distance from the bottom of the 5.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to see that they're laying on a white floor. Some of the contortions do not physically match how their bodies should be reacting.

Anonymous said...

what a nice nice work,i really enjoyed and sent that link to friends also..

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

nice work

Anonymous said...

its all CRAP and FAKE!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Well,I think they can do it easily but here they photoshopped it just to make others like you ppl use their brains for a change..
sometimes we need 2 enjoy art as it is,after all it's not politics.

Dina Al Moallem

Anonymous said...

Great work...

Anonymous said...

This is so cool!

Anonymous said...

its nice but what about alphabets...

Anonymous said...

wonderful, its too good!!!!!!

Kronic said...

Hey, I'm a 3rd grader, and i enjoy saying f***. And the thing is great!

Kronic said...

you know, y do aldults usually look at this page?

sushant said...

jhakkas bhidu aapun khush bole to kyaaa kaam kiyaa re

Unknown said...





Unknown said...

beautifull,fantastic,exelent,marvalus,very good attempt

Anonymous said...

All pics taken against a floor,,

Unknown said...

superb work.....8 looks gr8

Anonymous said...

I vote it's real gymnasts, but I completely understand why people yelled photoshop and fake. I mean, c'mon. It's the internet. Everyone lies on the internet. human beings on a large scale + anonymity = lies. Simple mathematics.

Anonymous said...

It all seems very real and outstanding.

Anonymous said...

Magniciant work

Anonymous said...

really a good gymnastic work...but do we need to do these too in gymastics..

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm Cool..
Nt bad..

Anonymous said...

ntime is 9:30 am

Anonymous said...


well you are quite the genius, aren't you?

i agree, though, that the shadows look edited, but it doesn't look to me like they were laying on the floor. look at the way their pants fell. just because the shadows are edited doesn't mean that these people didn't actually do it. there are amazing people in the world.

Anonymous said...

Congratulation to team members.This is very good idea, the people who watch this please try to encourage because they will try to do different things in future. All the best.

Anonymous said...

"Don't try this at home!"...
I guess ?!!!

ajwilson said...

Hey this is cool. These guys and gals have really taken a lot of time to train themselves to do this. As human beings we always tend not to believe what we see, just because we may not, or cannot do it ourselves!! Its a shame, that we cannot accept what others can do...isn't it so? Keep it up guys, you are wonderful, and your superbbbb.

Anonymous said...

Check-out the "Stupid Random & Hilarius" Clock.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I just enjoyed these and love the creativity!

Palani said...

Its amazing......but it look like some photshop

udtahaathi said...

This way 69 will be a much tougher composition to make and it will need 4 people too :p

Anonymous said...

honestly, why does it really matter if its shopped, real, or shot from above on the floor. its cool stuff either way

Anonymous said...

it can be

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder if the people who post comments on pages like this about how the pictures are so totally "shopped" and "fake" run around in art galleries yelling about how none of the paintings are real. What happened to when we could just look at neat pictures and appreciate them for what they are? Neat pictures.

Baethan said...

Look, it would just be cooler if they were all actually feats of balance and strength, not just clever photography/photoshop. It's not original (what, you've never seen people making shapes/letters/numbers before?) so it's disappointing that it's not even real. Anyone can photoshop people together into shapes. Not many can hold and balance each other to form numbers- that's what I want to see. The clock made from these pictures is cool, though.

Anonymous said...

you people are FRIKN retarded...

1) this is NOT ps' you SEE the shadows?!

2) these models are either a) dancers, b) gymnasts, OR c) using a green screen & white boxes.

It's not hard to do that sort of thng, if you're pretty flexible.

I hate it when people say that art like this is's ridiculous. :[

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone have to assume everything in the world is photoshopped? It IS possible you know. There are such people as CONTORTIONISTS.
And if you REALLY don't think it's possible, google "Pilobolus" and watch the videos.
They're a dance troupe that create images and scenes behind a back-lit screen using their bodies. It takes some very intensive training to do the stunts they do.

So no, I doubt these are photoshopped.

EarthKeeper/GameMaster said...

Frankly: It is easier for people to beleive in a mechanism, such as photo shop, than true human ability due to dilegence and commitment. For then One would have to admit that nothing is impossible and get down to make there own lives better. By becoming the Change they wish to see in the world.

I woke up one day with this realization, by watching a contortionist fit himself in a box 3 times to small for his height and size. At then end of the show I was left with only one thing to do... Step up and unravel myself from the same 3 sizes too small boxes I had climbed into, due to settling for .... NOW I live a limitless life.

Anonymous said...

amazing pictures! we should appreciate the imagination behind,it's easy to look for mistake in others work. force of habit may be..:-)

Anonymous said...

This is so cool.....

Anonymous said...

Some of these pictures are taken with some people closer to the picture taker and the second or third person in the picture stands a bit further away and so on until the person who is taking the picture is satisfied with the results they are looking to achieve. Don't need photo shop, you need Imagination people!

Anonymous said...

With the exception of 2, 4, 7, & 9 all of the photos are based on perspective. The tops of the numbers are smaller because they are farther away from the camera. The rest of them need to do some actual balancing and holding on to one another.

Unknown said...

It is very good

Going Green Blog said...


Anonymous said...

i think its just camera wonder.....nothing else...............

Anonymous said...

its really cool..........but what abt other timings i.e 10:30 ,10:15.....and so on...........

Anonymous said...

its either she is leaning against a wall or photoshopped.. cool! i HAVE IT IN digital watch FORM!

Anonymous said...

C'mon, folks -- Just enjoy! Creative and, regardless how it was accomplished, NICE JOB!

Unknown said...

I can do only 1 :)

Anonymous said...

Finally! The previous two explanations sum it up.. Perspective. There is no reason that "5" could not have been a long-shot at a small down angle. The top girl could simply have been standing about 10 feet behind the one who formed the bottom half. If you don't believe me, then put salt and pepper shakers on a table with one about ten inches behind the other. Now back up about 10 feet and close one eye. Doesn't it look like one is on top of the other?

As for why we discuss these things.. because we are interested; we have intellectual curiosity. If you don't question, you don't learn! For those that don't care, why the hell are you reading this?

Anonymous said...

images put to use

Anonymous said...

awesome... no matter how they did it,,, I'm sure they photoshopped the images to make them perfect and remove the props... why wouldn't they?

Anonymous said...

Rotate 5 anti clock... it is easy to do :)

Rahul G said...

it is very good

Anonymous said...

Thats an awesome number for a good clock.

Anonymous said...

All the numbers are too difficult to read without straining the eyes.

Anonymous said...

I want to put them down on my desktop

it is simply superb


Anonymous said...

Muito interessante e criativo.

Anonymous said...

is there a hot stripper version of this anywhere?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it is too hard but it is fantastic

Unknown said...

dnt wanna kno it's fotoshppd OR not. but it's really creative AND wonderful.

Anonymous said...

i remember when i used to try this by myself when i was really young. i dont think i could ever do any of these!!!

max.adams said...

I say they've done this on their own .. It's not that hard for the sports people ..

Anonymous said...

I don't think they pics are taken from the ceiling cos some of the pics have shadows underneath their legs or whatever...

Anonymous said...

thats amazing and its very wonderful but hard to do

Anonymous said...

All of you that are using the shadows as an argument - shadows are relative to the light (that's why they're called shadows).

The light source can be placed anywhere, so the shadows can't be used as a decisive factor.

bug said...

i think even one who did this thing didnt waste this time.. wat ever it is , fake or real.. just enjoy things and let it go... loosers.. can do ne thin creative, just posting all comments..

Unknown said...

Creatively and conceptually, I think it's a great piece of work! The technicality of the pix put together shows superb art direction.

Anonymous said...

paul G J co said I dont care how they did it it is very neat

4/52/pm ----4/11/09

Anonymous said...

guys.. guys....
appreciate the guys work...
whether its photoshop or whatever !

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