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15 November 2006

3 Ways To Catch Tiger

  • NEWTON METHOD: let tiger catch you. Every action has equal and opposite reaction. u can catch tiger as observed.

  • EINSTEIN METHOD: run in opposite direction to tiger. According to theory of relativity tiger will run fast and get tired and then you will be able to catch it.

  • According to most efficient POLICE METHOD: Catch a CAT and torture it till it agrees that its the TIGER.

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11 comments: on "3 Ways To Catch Tiger"

Anonymous said...

1.send a clown out! an enoying song

3.yell at the animail!

Anonymous said...

the was just stupid not funny just stupid

Anonymous said...

so wat thats probably why its called STUPID Random and Hilarious

Anonymous said...

it sounds like a dumb foreign posted that ..."catch tiger oh la la la chin chong."

Anonymous said...

it sounds to me as if a foreign posted that....."catch tiger oh la la la la chi huai chong"

Mitch Souza said...

the police one is the best way, ever!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was pretty neat

Anonymous said...

Cute! It sure made me laugh!

DJ Varney said...

Yup! Thought it was ok for a chuckle.

Masroor A Khan said...

One more way....
Hit the tiger with cricket fast and catch it.....
Masroor Khan

jaivik said...

we will take help from police.